Anyone out there?
I've been away from this blog for about two years and a half years and I'm ready to return.
Here's where I've been in a nutshell:
These four kiddos (and their Daddy) are my life. They keep me running from sun up to sun down. And sometimes from sun down to sun up. I think I had just had #3 when I last blogged. And then #4 came along and well, that's where I've been.
After a few years of changing diapers almost non-stop, (You think I'm being overly dramatic? Maybe just a tad.) I'm ready to flex my creative muscles again.
I did squeeze in a little bit of quality time with my sewing machine here and there, but actually taking the time to take pictures, and then sit down and blog was just more than this non-super mom could do.
So, I've got a little catching up to do. And then I can move on and try to keep up with this little craft journal/blog of mine.